About me
I am a native of Berhampur, Odisha, born and studied here till 12th grade. I completed my B.Tech. in Computer Science from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela in 2008 with a University Gold Medal. I completed my Masters in Science (MS) in Computer Science from University of California Riverside in 2013, where I performed research on High Performance Computing, Heterogeneous Computing, Operating Systems, Embedded Platforms and System Architecture. I completed my PhD in Computer Science from University of California Davis in 2022. As part of my doctoral work, I studied and proposed energy optimization strategies for Microservices in Cloud architectures. This research involved application of AI/ML techniques for traffic load-balancing and system design of cloud architecture and cloud networking. Beside academic research experience, I have also worked in the Silicon Valley USA for more than 4 years. At Samsung Research Mountain View, I have worked on various wireless technologies and Android platform security. At Intel San Jose, I have worked on software stack design, high-speed computation and energy optimization for FPGA-based Programmable Network Interface Cards (NICs).
Key Publications
1. Sambit Shukla, D Ghosal, M Farrens “Leveraging Network Delay Variability to Improve QoE of Latency Critical Services”, International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), 2021
2. Sambit Shukla, D Ghosal, K Wu, A Sim, M Farrens “Cooptimizing Latency and Energy for IoT services using HMP servers in Fog Clusters”, Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC), 2019
3. Sambit Shukla, D Ghosal, M Farrens “Tuning network I/O processing to achieve performance and energy objectives of latency critical workloads”, High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2019 4. Sambit Shukla, Laxmi Bhuyan “Shared memory heterogeneous computation using discrete GPGPUs”, High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2013
5. Sambit Shukla, D Ghosal, M Farrens “Exploiting server heterogeneity on cloud platforms for efficient execution of latency-sensitive applications”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet), 2021
6. D Ghosal, Sambit Shukla, A Sim, AV Thakur, K Wu “A reinforcement learning based network scheduler for deadline-driven data transfers”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2019
7. Sambit Shukla, Yang Yang, Laxmi Bhuyan and Philip Brisk “Shared memory heterogeneous computation on PCIe-supported platforms”, Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2013
Contact Details
Full Name
Sambit Kumar Shukla