Additional Responsibility
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Publications All
Optimal teleportation fidelity and its deviation in noisy scenarios
Bej, P., Halder, S., Sengupta, R.
Entanglement monogamy in indistinguishable particle systems
Das, S., Paul, G., Sengupta, R.
A Szego type theorem and distribution of symplectic eigenvalues
Bhatia, R., Jain, T., Sengupta, R.
Increasing distillable key rate from bound entangled states by using local filtration
Mishra, M., Sengupta, R., Arvind
Optimal characterization of Gaussian channels using photon-number-resolving detectors
Kumar, C., Sengupta, R., Arvind
Distinguishability classes, resource sharing, and bound entanglement distribution
Halder, S., Sengupta, R.
Construction of noisy bound entangled states and the range criterion
Halder, S., Sengupta, R.
Measurement-based local quantum filters and their ability to transform quantum entanglement
Das, D., Sengupta, R., Arvind
On the equivalence of separability and extendability of quantum states
Rajarama Bhat, B.V., Parthasarathy, K.R., Sengupta, R.
About me
I work in the interphase of functional analysis and quantum information theory. I am at the present working on Gaussian states/channels and their applications in Quantum Information theory.
Research Projects
- Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. QuST project. (March 2020 – March 2024) . Project title: Quantum information by using continuous variables. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support (MATRICS) (June 2018 – May 2021). Project title: Symplectic eigenvalues and its properties.
Key Publications
20. Leevi Leppäjärvi, Ion Nechita and Ritabrata Sengupta. Generating random Gaussian states. J. Math. Phys., 65, 082201, 2024.
19. Ritabrata Sengupta and Ajit Iqbal Singh. Useful variants and perturbations of completely entangled subspaces and spans of unextendible product bases. To appear in Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top.. arXiv:2402.14697 [quant-ph], 2024.
18. Soumya Das, Goutam Paul, and Ritabrata Sengupta. Entanglement Monogamy in Indistinguishable Particle Systems. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 21972, 2023.
17. Pratapaditya Bej, Saronath Halder, and Ritabrata Sengupta. Optimal teleportation fidelity and its deviation in noisy scenarios. Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 38, No. 38n39, 2350169, 2023.
16. Somshubhro Bandopadhyay, Saronath Halder, and Ritabrata Sengupta. Conditions for local transformations between sets of quantum states. Phys. Rev. A, 105, 062212, 2022.
15. Rajendra Bhatia, Tanvi Jain, and Ritabrata Sengupta. A Szeg ̋o type theorem and distribution of symplectic eigenvalues. Journal of Spectral Theory, 11 (3), pp. 1369–1389, 2021.
14. Mayank Mishra, Ritabrata Sengupta, and Arvind. Increasing distillable key from bound entangled states by using local filtration. Phys. Rev. A, 102, 032415, 2020.
13. Chandan Kumar, Ritabrata Sengupta, and Arvind. Optimal characterization of Gaussian channels using photon-number-resolving detectors. Phys. Rev. A, 102, 012616, 2020.
12. Saronath Halder and Ritabrata Sengupta. Distinguishability classes, resource sharing, and bound entanglement distribution. Phys. Rev. A, 101, 012311, 2020.
11. Saronath Halder and Ritabrata Sengupta. Noisy bound entangled states: construction and their detection. Phys. Lett. A, 383, 2004 – 2010, 2019.
10. B. V. Rajarama Bhat, K. R. Parthasarathy, and Ritabrata Sengupta. On the equivalence of separability and extendability of quantum states. Rev. Math. Phys., 29(4):1750012, 16, 2017.
9. Debmalya Das, Ritabrata Sengupta, and Arvind. Measurement-based local quantum filters and their ability to transform quantum entanglement. Pramana, 88(6): 82, 2017.
8. K. R. Parthasarathy and Ritabrata Sengupta. On the Kolmogorov-Wiener-Masani spectrum of a multi-mode weakly stationary quantum process. Commun. Stoch. Anal., 10(4):Article 4, 433–449, 2016.
7. K. R. Parthasarathy and Ritabrata Sengupta. Exchangeable, stationary and entangled chains of Gaussian states. J. Math. Phys., 56(10):102203, 11, 2015.
6. K. R. Parthasarathy and Ritabrata Sengupta. From particle counting to Gaussian tomography. Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 18(4): 1550023, 21, 2015.
5. Cécilia Lancien, Otfried Gühne, Ritabrata Sengupta, and Marcus Huber. Relaxations of separability in multipartite systems: Semidefinite programs, witnesses and volumes. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48(50):505302, 2015.
4. R. Sengupta, Arvind, and Ajit Iqbal Singh. Entanglement properties of positive operators with ranges in completely entangled subspaces. Phys. Rev. A, 90, 062323, 2014.
3. Marcus Huber and Ritabrata Sengupta. Witnessing genuine multipartite entanglement with positive maps. Phys. Rev. Lett, 113, 100501, 2014.
2. R. Sengupta and Arvind. Extremal extensions of entanglement witnesses and their connections with UPB. Phys. Rev. A, 87, 012318, 2013.
1. R. Sengupta and Arvind. Extremal extensions of entanglement witnesses: Unearthing new bound entangled states. Phys. Rev. A, 84, 032328, 2011.
Contact Details
Full Name
Ritabrata Sengupta
IISER Berhampur