Dr. Rahul Sharma

Assistant Professor

Physical Sciences


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Academic Background

  • Ph.D.: Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, August 2014 to May 2020

  • B-Tech, M-Tech Dual Degree: Engineering Physics (Gold medalist), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, July 2009 to July 2014

Professional Experience 

  • Assistant Professor, Gr-I: Department of Physical Sciences, and Coordinator of Engineering Physics Program, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Berhampur, July 2024 to Present

  • Assistant Professor, Gr-I: Department of Physical Sciences, and Coordinator of Engineering Physics Program, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Berhampur, Aug-'22 to Jul' 24

  • Postdoctoral Associate: Quantum Materials Center, University of Maryland. August 2020 to July 2022

Awards and Memberships

  • DST-SERB SRG grant (2023)

  • Institute Gold Medal at IIT-Bombay

Research Interests

  • Atomic-scale visualization of quantum materials using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy.

  • Single crystal growth of quantum materials.

  • Electrical and thermal transport in quantum materials under magnetic fields.

Research Group

  • Soumyojit Chatterjee, Ph.D. Scholar

  • Subarna Ray, Ph.D. Scholar

  • Manas Biswal, Ph.D. Scholar

About me

We are interested in quantum materials: materials that show fascinating behavior that cannot be explained with classical models. Our group focuses on growing them by flux-method and study them with a variety of tools, the primary of which is a scanning tunneling microscope which can perform atomic scale imaging at ultralow temperatures and high magnetic fields.


Rahul was born in the holy city of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. He received his school education at Kendriya Vidyalaya D.L.W. Varanasi up where he finished his std 12th in 2009. Then he moved to IIT-Bombay where he received a B.-Tech M-Tech. Dual Degree in Engineering Physics with a Minor in Electrical Engineering in 2014. He also ended up with the gold medal for the best academic performance across all streams in his class. His love for Physics took him for Ph.D. at Cornell Univeristy with Prof. Seamus Davis where he worked with a dilution fridge STM and completed his thesis titled "Advanced Quasiparticle Interference Imaging for Complex Superconductors" where he shed light on a long-standing problem of superconducting energy-gaps structure of Sr2RuO4 and a new technique to find phase of superconductors from STM imaging implemented on LiFeAs. Motivated by the fascinating world of quantum materials, Rahul moved to Quantum Materials Center, University of Maryland to work with Prof. Johnpierre Paglione on growing quantum materials using flux-growth technique and performing transport based experiments. He joined IISER Berhampur in August 2022 and has stayed here ever since. When not doing Physics, Rahul spends time in kitchen, philosophy and music. 

Research Projects

Search for tunable topological states in Heusler compounds using spectroscopic imaging scanning tunneling microscopy. Startup Research Grant (SRG) from DST-SERB. 16 lakhs

Key Publications

9- Atomic-scale Visualization of Electron Fluid Flow
X. Liu*, Y.X. Chong*, R. Sharma, and J.C. S ́eamus Davis, Nat. Mat. 20, 1480-1484 (2021)

8- Discovery of a Cooper-Pair Density Wave State in a Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide
    X. Liu*, Y.X. Chong*, R. Sharma, and J.C. S ́eamus Davis, Science 372, 1447-1452 (2021)

7- Multi-Atom Quasiparticle Scattering Interference for Superconductor Energy-Gap Symmetry Determination
    R. Sharma*, A. Kreisel*, M.A. Sulangi*, J. B ̈oker, A. Kostin, M. P. Allan, H. Eisaki, A.E. B ̈ohmer, P.C. Canfield, I. Eremin, J.C. S ́eamus Davis, P. J. Hirschfeld     and P. O. Sprau npj Quantum Materials 6, 7 (2021)

6- Severe Dirac Mass Gap Suppression in Sb2Te3-based Quantum Anomalous Hall Materials
    Y. X. Chong*, X. Liu*, R. Sharma, A. Kostin, G. Gu, K. Fujita, J.C. S ́eamus Davis, and P. O. Sprau, Nano Letters, 20, 8001-8007(2020)

5- Momentum Resolved Superconducting Energy Gaps of Sr2RuO4 from Quasiparticle Interference imaging
    R. Sharma*, S. Edkins*, Z. Wang*, Y. Maeno, A.P. Mackenzie, J.C.S ́eamus Davis and V. Madhavan, PNAS 117, 5222-5227 (2020)

4- Evidence for a Vestigial Nematic State in the Cuprate Pseudogap Phase
    S. Mukhopadhyay, R. Sharma, C.K. Kim, S. Edkins, M.H. Hamidian, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, E.A. Kim, M.J. Lawler, A.P. Mackenzie, J.C.S ́eamus Davis and
    Kazuhiro Fujita, PNAS 116, 13249-13254 (2019)

3- Strain and Plasmonic Field Induced Modifications of Material Excitation Response in Monolayer MoS2
    G. Sharma, A. Singh, R. Sharma, B.P. Singh and P. Vasa, Journ. of App. Phys. 125, 063101,(2019)

2- Generation of stable colloidal gold nanoparticles by ultrashort laser-induced melting and fragmentation
    P. Vasa, R. Sharma, M. Singh, A.K. Dharmadhikari, J.A. Dharmadhikari and D. Mathur,
    Materials Research Express 1, 035028, (2014)

1- Supercontinuum Generation in Water in the Anomalous Group Velocity Dispersion Regime
    P. Vasa, J.A. Dharmadhikari, A.K. Dharmadhikari, R. Sharma, M. Singh and D. Mathur, Phys.Rev. A 89,      043834, (2014)

Contact Details

Full Name

Rahul Sharma





IISER Berhampur

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