Prof Joydip Mukhopadhyay


Earth and Environmental Sciences



Additional Responsibility

  • Dean, International Relations

Academic Background

  • PhD: Jadavpur University

  • MSc: Presidency College Calcutta, Calcutta University

  • BSc: Presidency College, Calcutta, Calcutta University

Professional Experience 

  • NRF South Africa postdoctoral Fellowship: University of Johannesburg

  • Teaching : 36 years

Awards and Memberships

  • University Gold Medalist

  • National Mineral Award 2008, Ministry of Mines

  • INSA Teachers Award 2015, INSA New Delhi

  • Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (FAScT)

Research Interests

  • Sedimentology of Proterozoic carbonate platforms and Archean greenstone belts

  • Evolution of early atmosphere

  • BIF and BIF-hosted Fe-Mn deposits

  • Sedimentary Uranium mineralization

About me

Prof Joydip Mukhopadhyay received BSc and MSc degrees from the University of Calcutta and PhD from Jadavpur University. Before joining IISER Berhampur he was a Professor at the Presidency University, Kolkata.


Professor Joydip Mukhopadhyay is the Chair of the Earth and Environmental Science departments at IISER Berhampur. Prior to his engagement with IISER Berhampur, Prof. Mukhopadhyay was the Professor of Geology at the Presidency University, Kolkata.

His research has placed some of the Indian geological successions in global perspectives, e.g., the discovery of Earth’s oldest oxic paleosol that speaks in favour of whiffs of oxygenation of the atmosphere since 3 billion years, the discovery of the oldest true granite from 3.58 Billon years that attests to the existence of crustal differentiation process in the Paleo-Eoarchean. His research on the BIF-hosted high-grade iron ore deposits of India in comparison to such deposits from Brazil, South Africa, and Australia led to a generalized model for iron ore genesis which in turn provided a fundamental guiding principle for exploration and planning of iron ore deposits in India as well as in the major mining districts of the world. His recent research placed Indian subcontinent at high latitude and led to the idea of warmer poles 1.2 Billion years ago. 



Research Projects

Research Projects: Completed 18 Reserach projects (DST, CSIR, DAE-BRNS, UGC, WBDST) including three international bilateral collaboration (DST-NRF, South Africa, Indo-Brazil Bilateral: DST-CNpQ, Brazil, Trinity College, Dublin).

Key Publications

Key Publications

de Kock, M., Malatji, I., Wabo, H., Mukhopadhyay, J., Banerjee, A.,  and Maré, L., 2024, High-latitude platform carbonate deposition constitutes a climate conundrum at the terminal Mesoproterozoic, Nature Communications, 15: 2024, 1-8, (IF: 16.6).

Mukhopadhyay, J., Gutzmer, J., Hien, J. R., Beukes, N. J., 2024, Late Mesoproterozoic iron and manganese deposition on a deep-water carbonate platform (Penganga Group), Adilabad, India: Constraints from C, O and Sr isotopes, South African Journal of Geology, 127, doi:10.25131/sajg.127.0009.

Jefferey, L. L., Beukes, N. J., Voster, C., Mukhopadhyay, J., 2023, New insight into the tectonic setting of fault-bounded Indian Gondwana coal basins from U–Pb detrital zircon provenance ages of the Bokaro and Jharia basins, central east India, Geological Magazine, Cambridge Univ Press, DOI:

Mukhopadhyay, J., Armstrong, R. J., Gutzmer, J., de Kock, M., Beukes, N. J., 2021, Stratigraphy, Depositional Setting and SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology of the BIF- bearing Bailadila Group in the Bacheli Iron Ore Mining District, Bastar Craton, India, Journal of Geology (Chicago Univ Press), V. 129, 115-130. DOI: 10.1086/713683

Chakrabarti, K., Mukhopadhyay, J., Ghosh, G., Bhatt, A. K., Sinha, D. K., 2021, Transition from alluvial to wave-tide-dominated Meso-Neoarchean shelf sedimentation in the Mankarchua Quartzite, Singhbhum craton, eastern India, Precambrian Research, 354, 106020.

Mukhopadhyay, J., Crowley, Q., Ghosh, B., Ghosh, G., Heron, K., 2020, Detrital Zircon U-Pb LA-ICPMS ages from the Kolhan Group, Singhbhum Craton, eastern India: implications for terminal Mesoproterozoic Paleogeography between Columbia and Rodinia along the Central Indian Tectonic Zone. Geological Journal, Wiley, v. 55., DOI: 10.1002/gj.3931

Mukhopadhyay, J., 2020, Archean Banded iron Formations of India. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 201, https://doi. org/10.101 6/j.earscire v.2019.102 927.



Contact Details

Full Name

Joydip Mukhopadhyay





IISER Berhampur