Publications All
N-Heterocyclic Olefin-Phosphines Based Cationic Ruthenium Complexes as Pre-Catalysts for Dual C?H Bond Functionalizations
Kumar Sahoo, A., Das, B., Jyoti Panda, S., Shekhar Purohit, C., Doddi, A.
New cationic coinage metal complexes featuring silyl group functionalized phosphine: syntheses, structures and catalytic studies in alkyne-azide cycloaddition reactions
Sahoo, A.K., Kumar Sahoo, A., Das, B., Panda, S.J., Purohit, C.S., Doddi, A.
Dicationic copper(i) complexes bearing ENE (E = S, Se) pincer ligands; catalytic applications in regioselective cyclization of 1,6-diynes
Das, B., Sahoo, A.K., Banjare, S.K., Panda, S.J., Purohit, C.S., Doddi, A.
N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Arsinidenide Iridium Complexes
Doddi, A., Bannenberg, T., Bockfeld, D., Tamm, M.
Copper and Silver Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Parent Phosphinidene Adducts
Doddi, A., Peters, M., Bockfeld, D., Tamm, M.
N-Heterocyclic Carbene Analogues of Nucleophilic Phosphinidene Transition Metal Complexes
Doddi, A., Bockfeld, D., Bannenberg, T., Tamm, M.
Isolation of Carbene-Stabilized Arsenic Monophosphide [AsP] and its Radical Cation [AsP]+. and Dication [AsP]2+
Doddi, A., Bockfeld, D., Zaretzke, M.-K., Bannenberg, T., Tamm, M.
Bipyridyl Functionalized NHC-Sulfenyl, Selenenyl Cations; Potential Species for Alkylation Reactions and Ligands in Copper(I) Catalysis
Das, B., Sahoo, A.K., Alam, M., Panda, S.J., Purohit, C.S., Doddi, A.
Academic Background
MSc in Chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology Madras
PhD at Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Germany Ph.D. in Organometallics (Dr. rer. nat.)
Postdoctoral Studies at Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Subgroup leader at Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Ramanujan Faculty at IISER Berhampur
Assistant Professor at IISER Berhampur
Professional Experience
Warden since 2019; transit campus boys hostels
DUGC/Department of Chemical Sciences
15 invited talks were delivered at various national and international conferences
Ramanujan Faculty 2019 at IISER Berhampur
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Sciences at IISR Berhampur (2019-)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, TU Braunschweig, Germany (2014 to 2019)
Research Fellow at University of Bonn, Germany
Doctoral Research at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany (2009 to 2014)
Awards and Memberships
Life Member of Chemical Research Society of India
Qualified in all India level entrance examination (JAM: Joint admission for masters in IITs)
Selected for the GSCB graduate program to pursue doctoral studies at RUB, Germany Qualified in GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
Secured a travel fellowship (by the DAAD to attend International Conference “ICOMC-2014, Sapporo in Japan held on 13–18th July 2014
Two times secured a travel fellowship by the DAAD to attend the National and International Conferences, For example, “ICOMC-2018, held in Florence, Italy from 15–20th July 2018
Ramanujan Fellowship-2019 by SERB, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
Best poster award at the conference MTIC-XIV. Title of the poster: December, 10-13th 2011, University of Hyderabad
Research Interests
Organometallic (Main Group and Transtion Metal) Chemistry
Small Molecule Activation and Homogeneous Catalysis
Bimetallic and Co-operative Catalysis
Design and Synthesis of Water Soluble Organometallics
Frustrated Lewis Acid-Base Pair Chemistry of Group 13 and Group 15 Elements
Applications of novel pincer ligands and their utility in structure bonding relationships and small molecule activations
Development of Molecular Organometallic Catalysts for CO2 activation and Conversion Reactions
Research Group
1) Mr. Amiya Kumar Sahoo (PhD scholar, roll. no. 1910210)
Ms. Bhagyashree Das (PhD Scholar, roll. no. 1910207)
Ms. Aiswarya Moharana (PhD scholar, roll. No. 2210203) PMRF fellowship
Mr. Maksood Alam (PhD Scholar, roll no; 2220207) (DST Inspire) fellowship
Ms. Ragashree Das (PhD Scholar)
Mr. Goutam Giri (PhD Scholar, CRG project funded)
Mr. Santanu Maharana (PhD Scholar, CSIR JRF fellow)
Ms. Jyothikiran Sahoo (PhD Scholar)
About me
Dr. Doddi was born in A.P, after his graduation in a bachelor of science, pursued a master of science at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras). After a second master's thesis at the University of Bonn in Germany moved to Ruhr University Bochum, where he was a member of GSCB (Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry) and obtained Der. rer. nat (Doctoral degree) in synthetic & applied organometallic chemistry in the research group of Prof. Dr. Roland A Fischer (currently at TU Munich). With a doctoral degree in organometallics, he then joined the research group of Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Tamm, Technical University Braunschweig in Germany where received three years of postdoctoral work experience in the field of hardcore low-valent main-group element and transition metal organometallic chemistry.After the postdoctoral stint, he served as subgroup leader at TU Braunschweig for about three years. During this period he worked on various aspects and applications of numerous N-heterocyclic carbenes for the isolation of novel main group organometallic fragments which were subsequently employed as ligands and new Frustrated Lewis Acid/Base pairs (FLP systems). Several of such species were employed in the trapping, isolation of group 6 to 11 transition metal organometallic complexes. The former species were subsequently employed in the investigation of their suitability as ancillary ligands in the homogeneous catalysis, such as in bimetallic gold catalysis.Mr. Doddi has gained several years of synthetic and applied work experience in the advanced main group and transition metal organometallic chemistry from three different laboratories in Germany.Biography
PI: Dr. Adinarayana Doddi
Doddi research group activities span a range of areas in the modern-day main group and transition metal organometallic chemistry. The focus is to design & development of novel and unusual organometallic molecular species with the main aim of their potential applications in homogeneous catalysis. We are broadly interested in developing suitable ligands (carbenes, pincers of various type) whose unique reactivity studied for mono/bimetallic complexes, these will be used for the small-molecule activations, and cooperative catalytic studies, applied for organic transformations. The group investigates on the emerging fields of organometallic main group chemistry to exploit their broad applications in the domain of Main Group Catalysis (Expensive-Nobel Metal Free Catalysis) which is an alternative, inexpensive, and non-toxic chemical approach in various synthetic transformations. Besides, we also aim to develop novel single-source FLPs (Frustrated Lewis Acid-Base Pairs), and aqueous organometallic chemistry (organometallics in water media) for the exciting explorations in small molecule activation, and environmentally benign green catalytic approaches, respectively.
Research Projects
Research projects handled funded by SERB
Ramanujan Fellowship (2019)
Title; Rational design of a novel class of anionic group 14 tetranylidenes: From synthesis to application of their complexes in small molecule activation and catalysis
Startup Research Grant (SRG) (2021 to 2023)
Title; N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Supported Anionic Sila- and Garmanylideness and Applications in Homogeneous Catalysis as New Ancillary Ligands
MoE STARS (2023-2026)
Title; Phosphino Silyl Ligands Supported Metal Complexes; Design, Synthesis and Applications in Catalytic CO2 Reduction and Functionalization Reactions
CRG (Core Research Grant) (2024- 2027)
Title; Stereoelectronically Tunable Redox-Active NHC Ligands and their Reactive Adducts; Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of their Transition Metal Complexes
Key Publications
1)N-Heterocyclic Olefin-Phosphines Based Cationic Ruthenium Complexes as Pre-Catalysts for Dual C H Bond Functionalization.
A. K. Sahoo, B. Das, S. J. Panda, C. S. Purohit, and A. Doddi*
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2024, 366, 2468–2476.
2) Redox-Active NQNHC-Ligand Enabled, Cu(I)-Catalyzed Z-selective Dihydroaminative Bicyclization: A Regio- and Chemo- selective Cascade Annulation of o-amino 1,6-Diyne
S. K. Banjare, S. Afreen, K. Gaurav, A. K. Sahoo, B. Das, S. J. Panda, C. S. Purohit, A. Doddi,* and P. C. Ravikumar*
J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 13, 9255–9264
3) New Cationic Coinage Metal Complexes Featuring Silyl Group Functionalized Phosphine; Syntheses, Structures and Catalytic Studies in Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition Reactions
A. K. Sahoo, A. K. Sahoo, B. Das, S. J. Panda, C. S. Purohit, and A. Doddi*
Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 15549-15561
4) Dicationic Copper(I) Complexes Bearing ENE (E = S, Se) Pincer Ligands; Catalytic Applications in Regioselective Cyclization of 1,6-diynes
B. Das, A. K. Sahoo, S. K. Banjare, S. J. Panda, C. S. Purohit, and A. Doddi*
Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 16151-16158
5) Isolation of Carbene-Stabilized Arsenic Monophosphide [AsP] and its Radical Cation [AsP]+• and Dication [AsP]2+
A. Doddi,* D. Bockfeld, T. Bannenberg, Marc-Kevin Zaretzke and M. Tamm*
Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 13119-13123
6) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Analogues of Nucleophilic Phosphinidene Transition Metal Complexes
A. Doddi,* D. Bockfeld, T. Bannenberg, and M. Tamm*
Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 1478-14887. Hot paper & Selected for the cover picture of the issue
7) N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Stabilised Arsinidene (AsH)
A. Doddi, M. Weinhart, A. Hinz, D. Bockfeld, J. M. Goicoechea, M. Scheer and M. Tamm
Chem. Comm. 2017, 53, 6069-6072
8) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Phosphinidyne Transition Metal Complexes.
A. Doddi, D. Bockfeld, T. Bannenburg, Peter. G. Jones and M. Tamm
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 13568–1357
9) Low Valent Ge2 and Ge4 Species Trapped by N-Heterocyclic Gallylene.
A. Doddi, C. Gemel, M. Winter, R. A. Fischer, C. Goedecke,H. S. Rezpa, G. Frenking
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 450-454
10) “N-heterocyclic Carbene Supported Main-Group Adducts and their Use as Ligands in Transition Metal Chemistry”
A. Doddi, M. Peters, and M. Tamm
Chem. Rev. 2019, 119(12), 6994-7112.
Contact Details
Full Name
Adinarayana Doddi
+91 680 2227 772
IISER Berhampur
Personal Website