Dr. Sharma's group is supported by the grant to grow crystalline Heusler compounds with flux method and image their electronic states on an atomic scale. They are ternary compounds where each element can be swapped as Lego blocks to design material properties that can unleash the next generation of electronic devices.

Dr. Akondi's group is supported by the grant in developing an advanced adaptive optics microscope for biological imaging. The performance of the imaging device and its utility in understanding complex processes in biological tissues will be  tested.

Dr. Azhar is supported in exploring the physicochemical conditions of the diamondiferous as well as barren kimberlites of India. This project will apply the mineral-chemical approach to trace the magmatic evolution of the diamond-delivering magma from Earth's mantle to the surface.

Dr. Shanti Swaroop Srivastava from Biological Sciences received the DST-SERB SRG grant for "Understanding the role of protein-protein interactions in the bacterial innate immune system using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy ". Globally, drug-resistant bacteria pose a significant threat to public health, and the Dr. Srivastava's group will be exploring novel approaches to combat the problem. The project aims to obtain high-resolution cryo-EM structures of various complexes to gain mechanistic insights and elucidate novel protein-protein interactions for potential therapeutic intervention.