IISER Berhampur is pleased to announced that three of our Ph.D. students have been awarded the prestigious Prime Minister's Resarch Fellowship (PMRF) in the Cycle 11. These includes Ms. Aiswarya Moharana who (Supervisor: Dr. Adinarayana Doddi), Shri. Nityaprakash Patra (Supervisor: Dr. Thirupathi Barla), and Ms. Bandita Das (Supervisor: Dr. Victor Mukherjee). 

IISER Berhampur community extends their heartiest congratulations to these PhD scholars and wish them all the very bests for a enriching PhD experience.


Ms. Aiswarya Moharana :

Ms. Aiswarya Moharana who works with Dr. Adinarayana Doddi says, "achieving a PMRF fellowship is a prestigious and highly competitive accomplishment as it will boost my career as a researcher.  Thanks IISER Berhampur and my research group for creating a wonderful research work environment." She believes that her works not only generates new scientific knowledge, and may create novel synthetic methods in the domain of organometallics and homogeneous catalysis.

Shri. Nityaprakash Patra

PMRF is one of the prestigious fellowship it will enhance my research career further as well as add responsibility to do better in my research career , my research topic is "Synthesis of bioactive natural product ",natural products and their analogues are crucial for finding new medicines, over 25% of drugs used today originate from natural sources. However, the availability of these compounds from the natural source is very limited. Other alternative methods such as chemical synthesis play a crucial role in providing enough quantities for further biological study. Accordingly, organic synthesis serves the purpose of developing novel therapeutic agents in a sufficient manner.

Ms. Bandita Das :

Elated being the recipient of the PMRF, Ms. Bandita Das will be working on "time crystals based quantum technologies" under the supervision of Dr. Victor Mukherkjee. Bandita says, time crystals are a new phase of matter and studying time crystals will help us to understand the out of equilibrium phases in many body systems, which can be eventually used to engineer quantum technologies, such as quantum heat engines.