In this paper we discuss the centrality and energy dependence of K*0 resonance production using ultrarelativistic quantum molecular dynamics (UrQMD) and thermal models. The K*0/K ratios obtained from the UrQMD and thermal models are compared with measurements done by the STAR experiment in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. The K*0/K ratio from the thermal model is consistent with data in most-peripheral collisions, however it overpredicts the ratio in central Au+Au collisions. This could be due to the fact that the thermal model does not have a hadronic rescattering phase, which is expected to be dominant in more central collisions. Furthermore, we have studied the K*0/K ratio from UrQMD by varying the hadron propagation time (τ) within the range 5 to 50 fm/c. It was found that the K*0/K ratio decreases with increasing τ. Comparison between data and UrQMD suggest one needs to consider τ≈ 10–50 fm/c to explain data at √sNN=7.7–39 GeV in Au+Au collisions. We also predict the rapidity distribution of K*0 from UrQMD, which could be measured in the STAR beam energy scan phase II (BES-II) program.