
Central Library

The Central Library is the heart of the academics of IISER Berhampur. It has been designed to meet the information needs of the students, research scholars, and faculty of the institute. The Central Library at IISER Berhampur is rapidly developing its collection of books, reference books, and periodicals. It has a collection of over 7200+ books that supplements the teaching, learning, and research of the BS-MS, iPh.D., Ph.D., and PDF programme. The books are available in various disciplines like physics, chemistry, environmental sciences, biology, mathematics, computer sciences, and social sciences.

The Central Library has subscribed to the 6700+ international journals access through ACS, AMS, APS, IEEE, IOPSciences, OUP, RSC, ScienceDirect, Wiley, and Springer-Nature Group. It is committed to providing the widest possible access to scholarly journals in science and allied subject areas to the user community. There is IP-based and unlimited access to all e-Resources for the IISER Berhampur user community. The Central Library has enabled remote access service to all the subscribed e-Resources for students, research scholars, and faculties of the institute through MyLOFT. The Central Library has access to SciFinder and MathSciNet abstracting and indexing databases, as well as Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. The Central Library has subscribed to Grammarly Premium and Turnitin Originality.

The library is a member of the IISER Library consortium and e-ShodhSindhu(eSS) national consortium formed by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The IISER Library consortium negotiates the prices and other terms and conditions for all required e-Journal packages. The e-ShodhSindhu (eSS) consortium provides access to plagiarism detection software DrillBit-Extreme and 1700+ Springer e-Journals.

The Central Library has an active institutional membership in the DELNET organisation. The DELNET provides inter library loan and document delivery services for books and journal articles to its member institutions. The DELNET has connected with 5000+ institutional, public, and special libraries in India and around the globe.

The Central Library provides various services like document delivery service, information service, reference service, and research support services to the user community.


Empower academic excellence through an innovative learning environment, fostering information literacy and cutting-edge resources to position ourselves as a transformative hub of local-to-global collaboration for education and research.


  • Contribute to the global scientific community as the heart of intellectual life by being a hub for cutting-edge information, research collaboration, and scholarly exchange and reinforcing IISER Berhampur's excellence in science education and research.
  • To bolster and enrich the teaching and research endeavours at IISER Berhampur, we aim to provide comprehensive support through curated online and print collections. Our mission includes facilitating seamless access to resources and educating students, research scholars, staff, and faculty on the optimal utilization of information resources.
  • Aspire to be a world-class information and data centre, anticipating and meeting the evolving needs of the academic and research community.
  • Leading in innovative library services, technology integration, and knowledge management to contribute significantly to academic and research achievements.

Create an inspiring and inclusive space that encourages interdisciplinary research, lifelong learning, and a deep appreciation for knowledge.


Library membership is open to all students, research scholars, faculty members, and staff of the institute to use the facilities and services after filling up the membership form.

Borrowing Privileges

Only registered members can borrow General and Textbooks, except books marked for 'CR' (Course Reserve) and 'R' (Reference) for stipulated periods as mentioned below.

Borrowers No. of Documents Entitled Lending Period Overdue Charges
BS-MS Students 03  15 days  Rs.5/day
iPh.D./Ph.D. 03  01 month Rs.5/day
Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) 05 01 month Rs.5/day
Faculty  10 06 months Rs.5/day
Staff 03  01 month Rs.5/day

 Borrowing privileges may go on changing from time to time.