
Fractional parts of generalized polynomials at prime arguments  (2024)

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - Volume:539

-  Karthick Babu, C.G., Malavika, E., Viswanadham, G.K.

Mixed Anisotropic and Nonlocal Sobolev Type Inequalities with Extremal  (2024)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States) - Volume:281

-  Garain, P.

Discrepancy estimates for some linear generalized monomials at prime arguments  (2024)

Ramanujan Journal - Volume:63

-  Babu, C.G.K., Mukhopadhyay, A., Viswanadham, G.K.

Primes of higher degree and annihilators of class groups  (2024)

Ramanujan Journal - Volume:63

-  Mahapatra, N.K., Pandey, P.P., Ram, M.K.

Mathematische Annalen 

-  Garain, P., Lindgren, E.

Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 

-  Mahapatra, N.K., Pandey, P.P.

Optimal teleportation fidelity and its deviation in noisy scenarios  (2023)

Modern Physics Letters A - Volume:38

-  Bej, P., Halder, S., Sengupta, R.

Entanglement monogamy in indistinguishable particle systems  (2023)

Scientific Reports - Volume:13

-  Das, S., Paul, G., Sengupta, R.